Best Friends

Introducing my best friends! Because... why not?

Top left is Haylee, we call her H. She is the greatest girl I've ever met, if I was a guy and not married I would propose to her in a heart beat. That sounds weird but if you met her you would understand. One of the only reasons I made it through this semester was because of her.

Her sister Morgan is with me in the top right picture. Morgan is the funniest person I've ever met. Haylee and Morgan are sisters and their awesomeness reigns supreme. I met Morgan first in a head drawing class and we were really fast friends. She is so quirky and unique and loveable, you seriously can't help but love her.

And of course Maddi. Maddi is my best friend, and sister. The thing about Maddi is she is the nicest most gorgeous girl in the world. Truth. I've never seen her be mean to anyone, she is super talented, hilarious, and totally gets me. We can be total dorks together and have the most fun doing it.

A few weeks ago I got to go surprise Morgan for her birthday, we just showed up unannounced at her house in Preston. (We were kind of announced she just didn't know about it.) Naturally since it was in Preston we had to have the Napoleon Dynamite tour. We also visited the lake which was  the greatest thing ever! It made July finally feel like summer. Since I had spent the entire summer so far indoors doing homework, the break was much needed. How did I get so lucky to have such awesome friends? I basically just claim them as my sisters.

You'll probably be seeing more of them so on here, so I figured you should know who they are.

(P.S.I apologize for the point and shoot pictures, my SLR was dead and so I couldn't bring it and I was super sad about that. )

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