I'm taking a minuet to celebrate the fact that I never have to go back to work at that elementary school again. (Happy dance!) For some people working with kids is great, for me it's torture. I really admire and appreciate those work with kids, but I most defiantly know it's not for me! I would sit watching them color and cut and make things and just hurt inside because I wasn't the one who got to color and cut and make things. I live and breath to create and make beautiful things, it's like I've been suffocated for 6 hours of the day for the past 5 months.
Am I being a little over dramatic? OK yeah! But I'm just so so so SO excited to go back to school and make some great things! I'm taking book arts and advanced typography and I couldn't be more excited! This upcoming semester is going to be crazy busy, I'll be working and homeworking and performing and attempting to stay sane through all of this. Can it be done? Probably not, but crazy people are more fun anyway.
Today Jared told me my blog isn't funny. It's just GOOD. And of course there is nothing wrong with that but I thought to myself.... I'm hilarious, shouldn't my blog be as well? So I'm introducing you to me, all of me (even the dorky side. ) What's the point of putting a portion of myself into the world if it's not really truly me?
Speaking of Jared, Friday was birthday, it will get it's own grand post.
Sincerely, me.
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