Hey there,
I'm Alyssa and he's Jared! You may know me and you may not, but whatever the case I hope to become your friend! Even if we are simply virtual friends. :)
I'm a graphic design major and I love everything about it! I'm also a photographer, singer/songwriter, newly acclaimed blogger, dancer, dreamer, and lover of all things beautiful.
I love dorky jokes, for example
What is red and smells like blue paint?
I love ideas. LOVE them.
"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll
I think of so many ideas and projects that I simply never have time for because of school and work. But my job at the elementary school just got finished up so I have some extra free time! It's the greatest feeling in the world.
One of those projects was starting a blog! Jared is always saying to me we need to take more pictures of us together. I don't really like point and shoot pictures or phone camera pictures so I just avoid the subject. Now I have a great reason to do some more nice shoots of us just randomly! And I'm slowly training him to be a photographer as well :) He took those pictures of me! Nice job right?!
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