Last week I got the chance to visit Seattle for a travel studies class. For starters, it was awesome. I grew up in Washington (though three hours from Seattle) and it felt like home to me.
You'll see my friend Kylie featured in a lot of these photos, we basically shared life stories and bonded, as is supposed to happen on all road trips, right?
Ok, now for the juicy details, why was this trip so awesome you ask? (Other than getting out of Idaho, no homework for a week, and making new friends?) I'll break it down for you.
The first day of the travel studies we stopped by Fitch and Possible. We toured possible and got to sit down and talk with a designer at Fitch. I was really inspired by their process. We walked into one of their work rooms and images and ideas were plastered all over a giant mood board. It was cool to see how physical graphic design is. (A lot of times people think our faces are just glued to computers, it isn't so peeps.)
Tether, this is what I went to Seattle for. They're all about story telling and I love that. Their firm felt like a family. When asked what is it like to work at Tether they responded, "Everyone here is so...kind. It sounds cheesy but it's true, there's no drama." Who wouldn't want a chance to work at a place like that? And their work is killer, check it out for reals.
Skype was next, and awesome, (Located on the HUGE Microsoft campus.) We got delicious beverages, that's a plus! There were so many great inspiring things said during our question and answer session, but to sum it up my favorite quote was, "Go one hundred percent at whatever you want to do, and go get it." And "Ask A LOT of questions."
That evening we got the chance to explore Seattle. Kylie and I went to the Space Needle (after hiking miles to find the best fro-yo around.) The last 4 pictures are from our (very high) view of Seattle from the top of the Space Needle. The elevator is like a theme park ride for those of us who are.. well...wimps.
It's incredibly hard to sum up this trip in just a few paragraphs. Bravo to those who are still reading, ( I like you.) The next day was just as cram packed with awesome design firms.
Turnstyle. I don't know how, but the firms seemed to get cooler and cooler as we went along. Turnstyle was no exception. First off, the design of their studio was beautiful and everything Pintrest had led me to believe design firms should be. So, points there. My favorite quote (that they quoted) was, "Style is a simple way to say complex things." - Jean Cocteau
Artefact. I was blown away by Artifact. We got the opportunity to talk with Jennifer Darmour, and my notes from what she had to say are the longest of all. I left feeling like I could now change the world with design. One of my favorite things she talked about was how supportive everyone at artifact is with new crazy ideas. When someone has an idea the reaction is, "That's crazy, how can we do it." Crazy ideas are the reason we have everything we have. I love that.
One last thing she talked about was, "Be a brain, and find your passion." Don't do things just to do them, find a reason and a passion and a way to make it all mean something. That really resonated with me because I've been thinking a lot about what kind of designer I want to be, and what does it mean to me. Is it all superficial? Or am I going to be able to inspire people and make a change in their lives. Now I realize it's all about making a change for people and making the world a better place. Design can change the world guys. That's what gives me the motivation to get through the homework that I'm right now procrastinating for this blog post.
Each place we visited had something different to offer and they all added upon each other, without even trying! Being a graphic designer is even better than I thought. The crazy thing is this is only half the trip captured in words. There was so much more! Perhaps there will be a Seattle part two. Until then, I hope you at least got to enjoy the pictures!
Make Things, Fail, Get Better!
Do you ever just feel like you have so much inside your mind that you know can be beautiful but it comes out and doesn't look at all like what you imagined? I know I do! If you feel that way watch this video, because it just captured so perfectly in words how I feel all the time.
I go through a process where I'll just be in a rut for a while. I'll want to make things but just don't feel like what I create matches what I know I can do! I always feel like I can do better. When I start to just make things all the time and take pictures all the time I can see the progress and it's so exciting and I jump out of the little rut that's been holding me and it's great! And then I hit a creative wall and trip and fall back into that rut.
So how do you build a bridge and walk over the ruts instead of falling captive to their powers?
In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." I've learned that if you keep going, even if you're making something not so great, you'll learn something and it will lead to something that is great! It's such an exciting yet frustrating process!
Right now what I really want to become good at hand lettering. Holy moly it is hard! I just keep drawing the most ugly letters I've ever seen. Luckily I know it's those ugly letters that make the little stepping stones to get me across rut-ville into sweet beautiful hand lettering paradise!
I go through a process where I'll just be in a rut for a while. I'll want to make things but just don't feel like what I create matches what I know I can do! I always feel like I can do better. When I start to just make things all the time and take pictures all the time I can see the progress and it's so exciting and I jump out of the little rut that's been holding me and it's great! And then I hit a creative wall and trip and fall back into that rut.
So how do you build a bridge and walk over the ruts instead of falling captive to their powers?
In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." I've learned that if you keep going, even if you're making something not so great, you'll learn something and it will lead to something that is great! It's such an exciting yet frustrating process!
Right now what I really want to become good at hand lettering. Holy moly it is hard! I just keep drawing the most ugly letters I've ever seen. Luckily I know it's those ugly letters that make the little stepping stones to get me across rut-ville into sweet beautiful hand lettering paradise!

I'm taking a minuet to celebrate the fact that I never have to go back to work at that elementary school again. (Happy dance!) For some people working with kids is great, for me it's torture. I really admire and appreciate those work with kids, but I most defiantly know it's not for me! I would sit watching them color and cut and make things and just hurt inside because I wasn't the one who got to color and cut and make things. I live and breath to create and make beautiful things, it's like I've been suffocated for 6 hours of the day for the past 5 months.
Am I being a little over dramatic? OK yeah! But I'm just so so so SO excited to go back to school and make some great things! I'm taking book arts and advanced typography and I couldn't be more excited! This upcoming semester is going to be crazy busy, I'll be working and homeworking and performing and attempting to stay sane through all of this. Can it be done? Probably not, but crazy people are more fun anyway.
Today Jared told me my blog isn't funny. It's just GOOD. And of course there is nothing wrong with that but I thought to myself.... I'm hilarious, shouldn't my blog be as well? So I'm introducing you to me, all of me (even the dorky side. ) What's the point of putting a portion of myself into the world if it's not really truly me?
Speaking of Jared, Friday was birthday, it will get it's own grand post.
Sincerely, me.
Something I've learned is highly important to do as a photographer and artist is to find inspiration. I learned early on while studying graphic design how important research is. I spend most of my spare time simply looking at great design or photography. You can even ask Jared! Every time he sneaks a peak at what I'm doing I've found some new photographer or some great design. I love that I'm slowly rubbing off on him. He is becoming almost as much as a critic as me! Today he even shielded my eyes so that I didn't have to look at something designed in papyrus. He gets me.
I think every now and again I'll show you an artist that inspires me. This is one of my favorites, Brooke Davis from Blush Photography. I love how beautifully she captures the true essence of those she shoots. That's what makes her a favorite. Her pictures are truly works of art.
Sometimes I think people forget that photography is indeed art. It takes practice, research, and a knowledge of basic principals. You can't just pick up a camera and call yourself a photographer like so many do. There is so much more too it. These images prove that.
Anyone looking for some great inspiration should check out her blog! She is brilliant.
I think every now and again I'll show you an artist that inspires me. This is one of my favorites, Brooke Davis from Blush Photography. I love how beautifully she captures the true essence of those she shoots. That's what makes her a favorite. Her pictures are truly works of art.
Sometimes I think people forget that photography is indeed art. It takes practice, research, and a knowledge of basic principals. You can't just pick up a camera and call yourself a photographer like so many do. There is so much more too it. These images prove that.
Anyone looking for some great inspiration should check out her blog! She is brilliant.
Free Photoshoot!
On Sunday I went and had a shoot with one of my best friends Morgan. Gorgeous right? I have so much love for this girl. And her pintrest is the best I've ever seen. No lie.
I haven't posted for a while. I've been busy lately working two jobs. One is at the elementary school, the other is graphic design. So at least I'm in my element in one case! And now spud harvest for two weeks sorting potatoes! Oh joy. It's fun though because I'm working with Jared.
I've been working on another new photography website. (I just couldn't make up my mind!) So that will be up soon. I've also been taking lots of new photos lately. I can see my own progress as a photographer and it's exciting! It makes me love it all the more. I still feel I have a long way to go, but I think I'll always feel that way. The life of a perfectionist, and an artist. You're just never finished!
I'm going to be using this as not only my personal blog but also my photography blog! Therefore because I'm so excited about getting my website up and this business going, I'll be giving away a FREE photo shoot to those who follow this blog! Just click the follow button! Once I reach 50 followers and 200 likes on my facebook page I will be randomly choosing one to have a fun photo shoot with. You will be double entered if you also like my photography page on Facebook! So share this with your friends!
Sincerely, ALC
I haven't posted for a while. I've been busy lately working two jobs. One is at the elementary school, the other is graphic design. So at least I'm in my element in one case! And now spud harvest for two weeks sorting potatoes! Oh joy. It's fun though because I'm working with Jared.
I've been working on another new photography website. (I just couldn't make up my mind!) So that will be up soon. I've also been taking lots of new photos lately. I can see my own progress as a photographer and it's exciting! It makes me love it all the more. I still feel I have a long way to go, but I think I'll always feel that way. The life of a perfectionist, and an artist. You're just never finished!
I'm going to be using this as not only my personal blog but also my photography blog! Therefore because I'm so excited about getting my website up and this business going, I'll be giving away a FREE photo shoot to those who follow this blog! Just click the follow button! Once I reach 50 followers and 200 likes on my facebook page I will be randomly choosing one to have a fun photo shoot with. You will be double entered if you also like my photography page on Facebook! So share this with your friends!
Sincerely, ALC
ALC Photography Site
I'm super excited to announce I'll be launching my photography website this weekend!
I have worked on about 5 different options for my website and finally went with this option. I'm excited to get the word out there and hopefully get more clients!
For a while there I had lost my love of photography, I just couldn't find the inspiration to get out there and get shooting. Over the last year I have defiantly gained it back and I'm very excited to get my little business running again! It's re-branded, re-energized and ready to go! Did I mention I'm excited? I just couldn't wait to simply say, it's coming!
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